Monday, April 23, 2012

A Very Long Status

(This is a Facebook status of mine that I posted) (Hence the title)

In life we come to times where there are things we do not want to do. Reasons for that are fear, laziness, lack of time, lack of knowledge, or we know that it is wrong. The only thing from that list the only thing that I can see as a good reason is knowing that it is wrong. Fear can be overcome. Trust me, when I say that I am pointing to myself. Laziness is never the answer, and gets you no where. Lack of time. Well, that is a hard one. If something is so important your time can be manipulated. However, time is an intricate balancing act of trying not to overdue yourself, but also trying not to miss out on opportunities. Lack of  knowledge. That is just ignorance. To those who do not know, no ignorance is not the act of being rude or inconsiderate, but actually a state of not knowing. Being ignorant does not mean that you are dumb, but rather that you have not had access to certain information, and therefore do not know. Anyone can obtain knowledge. Lack of knowledge can be cured by reading books, searching the web on reliable sources, schooling, or just listening to those around you. Sometimes it is as simple as listening to the children. The young ones especially. If they learn something they feel has never ever been known in the entire span of the universe (even though it was taught to them by someone else) they are SO eager to tell you. Yes, maybe, nine times out of ten they are telling you something you all ready know, but just wait there will be a day when they tell you something you have never known before. If you have a question, ask somebody. Find an answer. Lack of knowledge is easily cured.

Too often we pass things up because they look too difficult. That book is too long. I want to read that person's blog, but each time they post it is like their publishing a book. I bet you that most people are not even reading this status because it is too long. I want to be a doctor, but that is a lot of work. I want change the world, but I do not think it can ever be done. To those who believe that, I think that is a total lie. You do not need to do much to change the world. Every action has a web of reactions. You do one good action, and that action will impact others. Say you just simply write something. Something that means something. Someone else reads it. They become inspired. They do something great. This action/reaction can propel you to save the world with one random act of kindness each day, or just one thing each day, nothing huge. It can be done. To all you out there, that are letting these things stop you, I encourage to stop letting them. Life is SO short if you really think about it, and we only get ONE shot at this. So why waste it with laziness. Why waste it like we can always come back and redo it. I constantly have to remind myself of this. Today even, I have to write a paper for one of my classes. I do not want to do it. It really hard, and I am not sure if I am really going to do well on it. I have a ton of time on my hands today, and all that I can think about accomplishing today is writing my paper, and picking up a kid from his school to take him to daycare (this is my only source of money). Why though? Why am I wasting this time? I do not get this day, ever again! I can do something as simple as read my bible, which to some of you means nothing, but to me it means a lot. The power in reading my bible can change the world. I know this. I can write one of my books today, I have several that are "in progress" that I know I need to pick back up. On that note, I can do the same for my movie scripts. I could spread the word about some great cause. I could go out on town, and just have a great day. I could find job! Hey, that is a crazy concept! I could apply for scholarships. I could do something with myself! Best of all if I go "out on the town" I could do something else for someone. I could find someone who needs, and actually make a difference today! To all of you who do not want to read the longs things, or take the long, difficult paths of life, I encourage to do so. You never know what you might find. Sure, that long book, or status, or post, may just be a waste of time, or it may just not be. If it is that long, often someone put some time in it. Meaning, they did not make it that long just for the heck of it. So put in that extra effort, and find that something that is in the more difficult parts of life. That is why they are so difficult. "Nothing in life worth having comes easy." -Dr.Kelso (From Scrubs) (Originate off of a quote by Andrew Carnegie) All the treasures, meanings, and things like that of life come from those things that are "too difficult". So make the extra strive to do them. Do not waste this time that has been given to you. You are lucky, for there are others in this world who did not  or are not going to make it to this moment, but you did, so make something of it.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"How Did I Get Here, I'm Not Who I Once Was."

Lately, I have been struggling with a lot, and I just do not understand it. It seems like I get myself up, and up, and yet somehow I find myself down again. I recently posted about feeling like a failure. Though, this is still something I struggle with and am getting better at, this is not what I am talking about this time. I am talking about feeling this way spiritually. 

I keep having great worship services, or just the sermons alone. Yet, even in the worship service I feel like I am forcing myself to get into things, but I am still not truly feeling it completely. Then other times I feel like I feel it completely, but I still have not gone back to the effortless ways of before. The ways of worshipping that I owned. Just jumping into the song in a manner as if I have been worshipping for hours all ready. Leaping into God's presence as if He were all ready there, and I just needed to join in. That use to be my worship experience. Every time. Now I feel like I am the one who is here, and I just cannot find where God is. I know that He is near, but I cannot find Him. I cannot open my eyes. I want to jump in, but I do not know where to jump. 

Worst of all however, I have fallen back into my old ways. I have fallen into a self-hatred, to a cry for help that has led me to ways that are not good for me. I do not understand why sometimes. Sometimes I completely understand why I do so, and those times have been the easiest for me to deal with. Incredibly hard, but easier to deal with than the other times. Times when I feel alone, times when I feel terrified, etc. Those times are when I am most vulnerable, but I have realized that and have developed a defense system that has allowed me to stop myself before I do anything. To those wondering, it is something that I have created through the advice of people close to me. At those times I turn on my worship music, pray to the Lord, and tell the darkness that it has no place. No place in my home, no place in my room, no place in my family, and most importantly no place in my heart. However, the most difficult times are the "sneak attack" times. The times when I do not feel alone. Or at least that is what I think. The times when I do not feel terrified. Or at least that is what I think. In those times I feel fine, yet, all of the sudden I find myself in trouble with myself. Those have been the most difficult times for me. The times when there was no time for me to defend myself from myself. 

Most of all I am confused and lost. So lost that I do not even know why I am lost, or how I got here, and most importantly, how I am going to get out. 

This all reminds me of the times before I found the Lord. It all still seems so crazy to me, and probably will until the day the Lord brings me home. 

I have always been so lost. I have never felt like I fit in, anywhere. I have tried looking for answers, and ways to escape my reality. I have looked so many places. 

I looked to bullying. Feeling that if I tortured someone than somehow that would get back at all of those who tortured me. I may not be able to beat those who beat me, but at least I could beat someone. I strengthened my muscles, and grew tough. I did not care who you were, or whether or not you actually did anything to deserve what I did. I did not care about your story. I hardened my body, and I hardened my heart. I wanted someone to destroy me, destroy me so badly that all of this would stop. But no one ever fought back. I never let them. I picked on those who did not deserve it. Those whose hearts were above fighting. I was too blind to see. This failed me. It did nothing for me. It never stopped anyone from hurting me or abusing me. It just made me the same as those who harmed me, and eventually I realized that. And when I did I could not handle it. I stopped. Bullying was not the answer.

I looked to drugs. I thought if I cannot fight my way out, then I will blind myself. If pain is in my life's forecast, then I will numb myself. Luckily, this never got "too" serious, but what can you really consider to be "too" serious. If you ask me, any drug is "too" serous. Drugs and alcohol never did anything for me. It solved nothing. The pain was still there. The torture was still there. It was all still there. It was just deeper in my skin now. Drugs failed me. It did nothing for me. It never stopped the pain. It just made me dumb, and stupid, and worthless. Even more worthless than I all ready was. And when I realized that I stopped. Drugs were not the answer. 

I once tried turning to sex, but to be honest, no one wanted anything like that from me. I was too cold hearted, and tough looking, and not really attractive. Those who did take it from me, I never wanted them to, and never asked for them to, but they did. Luckily, no one ever stole my purity, meaning my virginity, I still have that, but some have come close. Too close. I have said it once before, but I will always say it again. I realized that that was wrong. Sex before love, before marriage, before discovering who you are is wrong. It is discovering each other, relationship, love, marriage, then sex. That is the only way it works, trust me. If you believe otherwise, you are just doing it wrong. Sorry, but that is the truth. Sex or things close to it failed me. It did absolutely nothing for me. It never stopped the pain or cured the heartache. It just made me feel worse, and unloved. Those people will forever haunt me. And when I realized that this was all wrong, I stopped. Sex was not the answer.

Finally I turned to self-harm and suicide. I once saw a drama involving many sins. It was performed by the middle school drama team at our church. It showed a girl who started getting involved with many sins. I cannot remember the order exactly, but I do remember that towards the very end were two sins, self-harm and suicide. That hit me hard. At the very worse end of the spectrum were two sins that I have committed, and still struggle with. The day before my first youth service on a Wednesday night, which is a bible study group, I struggled with this really hard. I was trying to find a way to commit suicide. I was done. With everything. With abuse. With my past. With my unforeseen furture. With being tortured everywhere I went. With life. I thank God that no one in my family owns a gun, or at least one that can cause a fatality, and if they do that I know absolutely nothing about it! That night I thought over in my head what I could do. I could take apart the razor in my bathroom. I could take a knife from the kitchen. I could go wreck my car. I could stand in the middle of the road. All these things, and I was so close. One thing stopped me. At the time I was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of death. So much that as soon as I was about to give up and get out of my bed to attempt suicide I suffered a major panic attack that exhausted me so much that I feel asleep, or passed out, I am still really not sure. The very next night I attended that youth service, and I found this amazing group of people. I had known them for a while for they had welcomed me in, and asked me to join their dance group. They did not know it, but dance was something I loved, but had given up. Dance was something I had for myself. Something I was good at, but no one else was. However, I came to a point in my life where I just gave up. I gave up on my grades. I gave up on keeping my room clean. I gave up on keeping myself clean. I gave up on everything, including dance. I think the only thing I did not give up was sports, and that is because my dad did not let me, and I am thankful for that. When I gave it up, I lost all of that dedication I had put into dance, and lost my talent. So asking me to join this dance group was the perfect way to reel me in. They did not know it though, they just did it. When I went to the youth service the pastor was talking about those who had brought you to Christ. How they did it, and how much of an impact they had had on your life. Then he shared a story with us. One I will not share because it is personal, but I related to that story. So much that I thought he was calling out to me. I thought he was speaking straight to me. I was weirded out. I began going over and over in my head how the heck he could have known all those things about me, but came to a realization that there was no way. That is when I knew this was for me. Even to this day they help me with my struggles with turning to self-harm. Self-harm has alway failed me. It has done NOTHING for me, and never will. It never stopped the pain, NEVER. It never fixed my problems, NEVER. It never made anyone love me, NEVER. It never did ANYTHING for me. Self-harm and suicide is NOT the answer!

There is only ONE thing I have ever found that has ever done anything for me, and you may not believe me, but I promise you I am telling the truth! The ONLY, ONLY thing that has ever done ANYTHING for me is Christ and the Lord. Nothing else has ever done ANYTHING for me, and nothing else ever will. Christ and the Lord is the answer, and the ONLY answer! Nothing else ever matters! I promise you! Those who are lost, He is the ANSWER! Stop looking in any other direction, you will not find any other answer, but GOD! I promise you! And the thing is now you are held accountable! Whether you like it or not, you can no longer say that you did not know about the answer, because I am telling you the answer, and in case you have not picked up yet, the answer is GOD! If for some unforeseen reason, and heaven and God forbid, but you are to lose your life tonight, you cannot say to God that you did not know, because you know now! That was something I had never gotten before. My pastor once told me this in a youth service on Saturday, and no one else had ever told me before. I wish someone would have said this to me when I was younger, because it may have made a difference. If you have been told that He is the answer, you cannot say that you never knew. Realize that this is NOT about your life, but about your eternity. Eternity lasts SO much longer than your life, you can count on that! So start focusing more on your eternity, and less on your life! All you out there settling down in your comforts, thinking that you do not need to worry about God because you just want to live your life the way you want to, and maybe someday when you are older you will make it right, stop! You cannot take that comfort. You are not promised old age! Stop living your life "the way you want to" because I promise you once you find the way life is with the Lord, that "way you want to" live is no longer the way you want to live anymore! Trust me once you have tasted even the littlest piece of life with Christ, you will never want to go back. If you ask me, those of you who say, "I have lived life with Christ, and I know God, and they did nothing for me" you NEVER really, truly did know God then, and you NEVER really, truly lived with Christ because if you had you would never say that. There is nothing better! Trust me. You cannot know the real Lord and the real Christ and think that they have done nothing for you, or that there is nothing better. 

God has plans for each and every one of us, but they cannot be fulfilled if we do not trust in Him, and believe in Him, and leave it all to Him. I know this! I know how hard this is too.

A year ago I found the people who lead me to the best thing to ever happen to me, Christ and the Lord. Then they took me to places I never thought I would be. They took me to Teen Talent. They took me to Lee University in Tennessee. They took me to Camp Meeting. They took me to Ohio. They took me to Winterfest. They are taking me on a mission's trip. They took me to church! Through them I eventually became saved on 7-7-11 four days before my 18th birthday, and followed up with becoming baptized on 9-4-11. Because of them I have spoken to many about the Lord, in a formal way, in a crazy way in which I am still not sure what I said, and in an everyday way to those I come into contact with. Because of them I have worshipped the Lord both on and off the stage. Because of them I have come out of my comfort zone, and am still everyday coming more and more out of my comfort zone. 

Last year I was convinced that I knew exactly what I was doing with my life. I was going to graduate from Towson University with the financial aid from my parents, and working summer jobs. I was going to major in Film. I was going to do film and make movies for the rest of my life. I am still convinced that I am somehow going to be involved with movies, but I am still not sure exactly how. My point is though, that I had it all figured out. 

Then our youth group went to a thing called, "Fall Retreat" at a place called Camp Hashua. We went there and had an amazing experience growing closer to God and each other. I talked to someone for the first time about something serious that had happened in my life, all though I really did not do much talking. However, that was the first stepping stone of realizing that I cannot bottle up my issues. Though I would be lying if I said I did not still struggle with that anymore. At the end of the retreat all of the youth leaders lined up and began praying for us. Many of them prayed that I would find what I was suppose to do in life. 

Backtracking: For a few weeks one of the youth leaders was leading a young adult group. In that group he spoke about a book called "Wild Goose Chase". He talked about how the book challenges you in a way that you may become completely lost as to what to do with your life. Every time I heard him say this I thought to myself, "This is crazy, this will never happen to me."

Back to Hashua: So the leaders began praying that I would find what I was suppose to do in life. I thought to myself, "Thank you, but I all ready have that figured out." Then I got to the guy who lead the young adult group, and he prayed the same prayer. I began to think the same thing. Then all of the sudden God crashed down on me, and told me that I was wrong. He told me in the way that God speaks to us, that I was not meant for Towson, and that film is a huge passion of mine that I should and will still follow, but not my main destiny, and that my main destiny cannot be fulfilled within the Towson campus. I immediately knew that this was due to the fact that Towson's campus was not Christian, and did not offer Christian courses. This would also mean a greater tuition cost which would cause my parents not to be able to support me. So the cost would be all on me. I broke down. It did not help that to end the prayer chain, my Pastor and his wife began praying for me. I do not know what it is about those two but just looking into their eyes brings tears to my eyes, and every time they lay a hand on me to pray I am either left speechless and still or balling my eyes out. That was a balling my eyes out moment. As soon as my Pastor was done praying for me I walked over to the wall and collapsed down. I began praying to God. I was completely confused. I had no idea what to do or what to pray about, and that confusion stayed with me even when we arrived home. 

That day was a Sunday. I stayed at church that whole day. I did not know what to do, but I knew that I could not go home yet. I just sat there, still. I just starred, at what, I had no idea. I just sat there and starred for hours, hoping that an answer would just come. Finally, it grew dark. I walked over to my car, leaned against it, and began praying. I broke down. I began asking God why? Why not Towson? Why not film? Why is this happening? Why now? Then I began begging Him for the next piece! I wanted the next piece! I needed the next piece! All I knew was not Towson. But if not Towson, then where? All I knew was not film. But if not film, then what? Then I broke down again. I began freaking out, and I did not even know why. I was so confused. I was wondering how did I even get there? I am not who I once was. Just like the lyrics in "You are More" by Tenth Avenue North, except different. I was better than who I once was, but I was SO confused as to how I got there. How did I become this person that is lying on pavement of a church parking lot begging God to show me the way? And yet I still kept begging Him. But God kept reminding me of something my pastor once taught us. God only gives us our purpose in pieces. If He were to show us our purpose in full spectrum, we may never accomplish anything. He kept reminding me, only one piece at a time. And every time I begged for the next piece, He refused until finally I grew weary. I texted my pastor's wife as I only knew how, and asked her if we could talk sometime, and she said sure anytime just let her know. I grew disappointed because I knew that would never gain the courage to make the decision, and I have this stupid thing that for some reason I cannot get past, and I still do it. I did it today, being Sunday, at church. Whenever anyone asks if I am okay, I immediately say yes, even though I am not. Whenever anyone asks what is wrong, I immediately say nothing, even though that is not true. And as they walk away I try to get myself to tell them to come back, but for some reason I cannot. Luckily, however, God was on my side as He always is. That Tuesday I messed up on the video, as I often do, and I had to go in and fix it. (Maybe this film thing is not for me...) I was also working on a video for my pastor's wife for her new drama called "GOD". She came in to where I was to talk to me about the video, and then used that time to talk to me. I shared it all with her. Then she lead me from there. She suggested that I look into Lee because it is a great school. I immediately thought, "No way." We had gone there over the summer, and it was amazing. However, because of that EVERYONE wants to go now, and I was not about to jump on the bandwagon. However, every other school that I checked out did not appeal to me. Finally, I gave Lee a second chance, and I fell in love. Then came the hard part, trying to explain to my parents why I was about to leave a great school and something I love, to go somewhere to do something I knew nothing about because I felt like God was telling me to. It was hard, but somehow I did it, and I still do it often when my parents need reminders. Overall though I learned that I just needed to trust in God. I just needed to be still in faith that God has plans for me, plans that are far better than the plans I have for myself. I just needed to trust that as I long as I move when He tells me to move,  speak words that are influenced by Him, and take every step by the power of the Lord, He would piece everything together, and in time He would show me the next piece.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

"Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder"

It is weird to think about how big your family can become within a short amount of time. People wonder how parents can love each child with the same amount of love. I am beginning to undertand. I look at a picture of those I consider to be closest to me. There are about 30 plus of them, most of which I did not even know until this past year. Yet, I look at each one of their faces with the same loving eyes. I look at each one of them, wondering what they are doing, what they are going through, what wrongs I have done them, and most of all how much I going to miss them when they are gone.

"Distance makes the heart grow fonder..." Jason Zebehazy

Most people think that this is just something couples in long distance relationships tell each other to comfort themselves, but I believe in it. I think this sorrowful feeling I get whenever I see those I love, the one that brings tears to my eyes when I see their faces, the feeling I can only label as missing them, I think this feeling is my heart crying out. My heart trying to tell me that soon they will not be a part of my everyday life. Soon I will shed tears because I miss them, but that time is not now. Now is the time to love. Now is the time not to waste. Now is the time to let the heart grow fonder so that when the distance comes, well, it never truly comes. Instead, I might never see their face, or embrace them, but I can still hear their voice and read their words, allowing them to feel closer than ever before.

Do not stumble over the future that has not come so much that you distance yourself even when you are physically close, but instead leave the future to the future and live in the present. Have peace in knowing that God has plans that are far better than your own.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Lately, I have been feeling like a failure. I have been failing everything and everyone. I have been failing my family, my friends, God, my church, school, money, LIFE, everything. No matter where I turn, no matter how much I accomplish my failures haunt me. My computer is broken which is yet another thing I cannot afford. My car still needs to be fixed, and to add to it I got into a small accident Tuesday morning that may have caused more damage. I am no where near being able to afford college, gas, food, car and computer repairs, my mission's trip, LIFE, anything. I really need a job, but cannot find time to do it which is a really dumb thing to say because I know a ton of people who are much more busier than I am and work multiple jobs. I have a "D" in one of my classes. I feel like I am falling short, as a friend, as a daughter, as a sister, as a member of the youth ministry, as a volunteer, as a musician, as a body of Christ and the Lord, I even feel like I am falling short of and failing myself.

As a friend I just feel like I am not being good enough. I feel like I am not able to be there for my friends or to make them happy. As a daughter and a sister I feel like I am not trying hard enough to reach out to my family. As a member of the youth ministry, especially as an intern, I feel like I am not doing enough. I feel like I am leaving people out. I feel like I am allowing myself to get too wrapped up in my own problems, and not enough in others' problems. I feel like as a volunteer I have allowed myself to become too lazy. For example, I use to do SO much for the Media Department of our church, and now I feel like I do not do enough to even be considered a volunteer. Falling short as a musician bothers me the least. I love playing piano, drums, and guitar, but lately I have been trying to learn/focus more on drums and guitar. However, I have been having a hard time finding time for practicing. I have SO much I want to learn, but no time to learn it. Which is my biggest issue with money and anything right now, finding time. 

As a body of Christ I feel like I have been failing everywhere. As a friend I am not being an example of Christ, always loving, never judging, and putting my friends before me ALWAYS. As a daughter/sister I feel like I am not being enough of a light in the darkness. As a volunteer I am not doing so eagerly or humbly enough. I want it to be obvious that I am ALWAYS ready and eager to be a servant, waiting for something I can do for others. 

I completely understand that servant work can be small or big. Big meaning mission's trips like the one I am about to go on. Small as in things that can be done every day... paying for someone's food, gifts, taking out the trash, cleaning for others, etc. Most people have servant work backwards if you ask me. Most believe that they have to go on mission's trips, mostly around the world, to make a difference or change the world. I believe that is it the "small" servant work that makes a difference or changes the world. Think about it. That "small" work has an effect. 

This makes me think about my youth pastor and his wife. Whenever I am at their house I try to do something for them. Wednesday nights when the youth is over their house I try  to pick up trash that others left, take the trash out if it's full, not to leave or make a mess, and things like that. When I babysit for them I do things like when the kids are asleep or watching a movie I try to clean their house up in any way I know how. If I see something out of place and I know for sure where it belongs I will put it away. If I hear Jacqueline say she wishes so and so would be done I try to get in done. A thing about me is I hear things when people think they are talking to no one, or they think no one is listening. This is because I slip random parts of my own life that I really want to talk about, but do not want anyone to hear, in between conversations. I have learned that sometimes people ask but do not listen, and this is when I share, knowing that no one will hear. So I know when to listen, and hear the desires of people's hearts when they think they are talking to themselves. If Brian or Jacqueline asks me to help with dinner I am more than happy to do so. If they ask me to make lemonade, I will figure out how to make lemonade, and try to my best ability to do so. I would and will do anything they tell, suggest, or ask of me. They have done SO much for me, and I could never deserve it. Pastor Brian once spoke to the youth about receiving an extravagant gift that we could never pay back or deserve. I said for me that was my bedroom. This is true, but Pastor Brian and Jacqueline are my extravagant gifts as well. I could never deserve them. Besides that, I do this work for them because I know how busy they are. Whether I really make an impact or not, I like to think I do.

Say that Jacqueline is having a bad day, and she comes to youth on Wednesday night and sees the mound of trash and becomes stressed out. Then I take the trash out. That stress, as small as it may be, becomes relieved. Now she is more willing to talk to others, spend time with her family, etc. The web of consequences to our actions can never be seen or predicted.

To explain this in a better way... Someone once pointed out to me that we never truly know how many souls we save. Say we save one soul, let us name him, John. John saves Peter. Peter saves Lily, Megan, and Mark. Lily saves Brittany. Megan saves Ashleigh. Mark saves Steven and Tyler. Brittany saves Caroline. Ashleigh saves Cara. Steven saves Josh, Ben, Chris, Jacob, and Darla. Tyler saves Robert, Brian, Roman, Christa, Becky, and Victoria. Now because of the ONE soul we saved, John, TWENTY-ONE souls have been saved. Therefore out of a web of reactions we have saved TWENTY-TWO souls, including John, even though the only person we ever truly met was John. This is also not taking into consideration that we never know the plans God has for the people we save. What if Peter, the man saved by John becomes a pastor and saves thousands of souls, now thousands of souls are saved all because John saved Peter, and we saved John. My point with this is that this is how I believe "small" servant work works. You do something good for one person, and it will spark them to do something good for another, and so on. This is why I believe it is the "small" servant work that is important. You never know which person that you spark up by helping them out will explode into helping millions! You never know, you might be that person!

Now back from that tangent... I just feel like I am falling short of everyone. 

Recently, I went to "Lee Day", an event held by Lee University, the school I intend on joining next fall. I got the chance to take my dad along with me. I was really excited! I was especially excited to show a little bit of the Lord and Christ to my father. However, that was not much of a success. Though I did however, get him to say that he enjoys Lee's campus, which is a HUGE step, I could not get him to enjoy things like worship. I felt like I failed my dad, myself, and God. But then God laid these words in my head, 

"What I may see as a failure, may be a victory in the making."

Though I may think I failed my dad, I actually planted a seed that may grow later in life. I remembered that God has a plan for everyone. I was reminded of the verse that was written on the front cover of my bible.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan for my dad, and maybe that weekend, exactly how it was, is exactly what my dad needed.

Often, we beat ourselves up more than needed. I know, I do it all the time. We become hard on ourselves because we are suppose to be the body of Christ, we are made in the image of God, but here is the thing we forget and miss... We are made in the image of God, but not made to be God. We are taught at a young age, whether Christian or not, "Nobody is perfect, except God." So why do we get so upset when we are not perfect? We should strive to be like God, but sometimes that means forgiving ourselves in the same way that God has forgiven us. 

In the Message Matthew 18:6-7 it states, "Hard times are inevitable, but you don't have to make it worse." You are bound to fail in life, but do not turn your failures into darkness, turn them into light. Do not dwell on your failures! That only turns you to darkness, to self-hatred, to away from God! Instead allow your failures to fuel you, to encourage and motivate you to do better. Learn from your failures and move on. 

Dr. Paul Conn at Lee University told us "College is not an escalator, it is a stairway." He told us that we must pull ourselves up each step, and not stand there expecting someone or something else to bring us up. This is the same with life. However, sometimes in life your stairways leads downward. You are still pulling yourself forward, but for some reason you find yourself going downward. In this case change your perspectives, and your stairway will turn back over, and lead you upwards again. 

For instance this stair way leads down....

... but change perspective and the stairway leads up.

Learn to celebrate your accomplishments more. I know personally I often forget to recognize what I have done right, but I put my failures in the spotlight. Right now I have aced all my exams in my Art History class, I have an "A" is my Computer Science Class, I have a "B" in my Philosophy class, but in my mind none of this matters because I have a "D" in my American Government class. However, instead of allowing that "D" to bring me down, I should change my perspective, and allow that "D" to fuel me and motivate me to study and read more. If you find yourself overwhelmed by your failures remind yourself more of your accomplishments. Hang post-it notes on your mirror reminding you of your accomplishments. This way every time you see yourself, you see your accomplishments, and therefore you will not view yourself as a failure. Keep a checklist, and check things off as you complete them. Constantly remind yourself of your accomplishments. This sounds strange, but we always remind ourselves of everything we fell short of, but never stop to recognize what we accomplished. Start celebrating your accomplishments more, and your failures less.

Lastly, do everything with and for God. Someone once told me that if you do everything for God you can never be wrong because you are doing it for God. This is so true. Make everything you do with and for God and you can never fail. A really great verse is Matthew 19:26 (MSG) "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."

1. So just trust God, and do everything with and for God
2. Celebrate your accomplishments more
3. Change your ways and perspective

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Be Yourself

Do not get so wrapped up in trying to please others that you end up loosing yourself, and God in the process. As teenagers or even young adults, especially, we tend to try and make everything we do impress others. We make all our actions with the intent of getting praise or acceptance from others. However, when we do that we tend to loose our relationship with God because when we try to please others and get praise from others we forget that our praise should be pointed towards on person, and that is the Lord. 

Now I am not saying that we cannot compliment others or encourage others in any way because that is what we should do. I am just saying that whether or not we are being praised we tend to forget to praise the Lord ourselves. If you have ever been forgotten about you know how much that hurts. I imagine that when we forget about God it must hurt a thousand times more to Him because when we forget about Him  we are not just forgetting about any other person, we are forgetting about our answers. We are forgetting about our hope, we are forgetting about anything and everything that could ever help us with our lives, and He knows that even when we do not. That is why it hurts Him so much.

We think that when we come to church we do not do this. That we leave all those behaviors, but that is not true. I am not talking about things like cracking jokes that you got from someone else so that you look funny because that is just human behavior. I am saying that even when we are in a church service, even when we are sitting in the sanctuary or youth room, we try to impress others, and leave God out. I am talking about when we are worshipping and someone raises their hand, and it is not because they feel they should or that they are reaching out to God but because they saw someone else do it. They think that they saw someone else do it so that must be what they have to do, and if they raise their hand they must be a good Christian, and if that is true everyone will smile upon them, except God. 

Now I am not accusing anyone of this. If anything I will accuse myself. I have done this before. I use to do it all the time when I first started going to church. I thought that is what you had to do. You had to do the same things that everyone else was doing or you were not a good Christian. That is what I believed. I was wrong.

In the book of Matthew verse 6:5 it says, "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."

He is basically saying that when you pray do not pray for the praise of others. Do not pray so that others smile upon you. Do not praise the Lord for any other reason then the fact that you feel you need to. For if you praise the Lord for any other reason, are you really praising Him? Or are you just saying words that have no meaning? Matthew is also saying that those who get trapped in that way of thinking, those who praise to get praise from others have all ready gotten their reward because the Lord sees through all lies, and He asks for genuine praise. 

Now I do not want you to see this as a reason to point fingers at others. That is not what this is for. Do not turn this into that. Use this as a guide for yourself. I could not find the verse, but in the book of Matthew He says that we should not call others out for their sings. That is not our job. The Bible says that instead if we see something wrong we should simply pray. Pray for them. 

I want you to take this and come away with the feeling that you should be yourself. Whether in praise or in your social life. In terms of praising, get out there and praise. If you feel you should praise the Lord, do it! No matter where you are or what you are doing. The way I see it, this is God's world. So why should we be afraid to do things for Him? We are not the weird ones. 

To all of you teenagers and high schoolers, get involved! Go throw the word of the Lord around school. Better yet, do it quietly, that is the best way for the word of the Lord to seep into someone's life, quietly and slowly. Go to a Sunday Service. Be a part of the drama team or worship team at your church. If anything just believe that you guys are powerful. If you ever doubt that, if you ever have doubt in the power of the fact that you can effect someone, do not. I am an example of the power within the youth in this world. I am a great example of the power within the youth at my church. They effected me. 

If a year ago you told me that I would be saved, or baptized, or trying, even a little to share the word of the Lord with my family, I would call you crazy. Yet here I am. Despite all that, speaking to anyone about God, singing in worship about God, which says something about me because I cannot sing to save my life. I mean all of that has to mean something. I am living proof of the power my youth group has, and the power and youth has. The power to change things. And I say that that power should be used. 

So to all you teenagers reading this forget about your fears. Forget about what others might say or do. Honestly, you are only in high school for four years, and before you know it, you will be out of there. So whatever they do or say is temporary. And when you move on with your life the words you left behind, the words of the Lord, will stay with them forever. Trust me. I know. I still remember people talking to me about the Lord even when I was a toddler. They planted seeds in my life the same way you can plant seeds in other people's lives. You never know who you can, and all ready have saved. That is the beauty in this world that is so hard to see. Sometimes some of our greatest accomplishments are never seen by us. Think about it this way. If you save one person. That one person is now going to speak about the Lord, and they are going to do it in a way no one can understand. I promise you the Christians that are formed late in life are SO willing to be a vessel of the Lord because their passion's fire burns from the fuel of knowing what life is like without the Lord, and not wanting to EVER go back. So that one person that you saved goes on and saves three people. Then those three people save three people, and now thirteen people are saved because of you. Twelve of which you probably never even met. So do not be afraid for this life is temporary, but life with the Lord is ETERNAL.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !