Friday, September 7, 2012

Be Careful

Be careful of  the girl dressed down 
because she doesn't believe she's worth a crown
Be careful of the girl with scars 
for she will do herself harm
Be careful of the girl with bruises on her neck and face, 
for she says it's from sports, but it's her father's belt and shoe lace
Be careful of the boy you laugh at in the locker room 
for his father has a gun, and he's going to use it soon

Be careful of the girl who limps, 
because her life is harder than your's
Be careful of the boy who's weird, 
because he'll soon own all your stores

Be careful of the words you say, 
for they bring life and death
Make sure that you always breathe 
a living breath
Hold your tongue unless you have 
something life giving to say
For it will be you, boy or girl 
receiving it one day

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gift of Life

The gift of life is truly amazing. I know that you have probably heard this millions of times before, and some of you are probably annoyed by it. But I feel the need to bring what may be a different perspective onto it for some of you. 

Some of you do not view life as an amazing gift. Some of you do, but wish that your's had altercations. I wish my hair was straight. I wish my eyes were blue. I wish I was tall. I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish I could have kids. I wish I did not have homework. I wish someone liked me, and so on. These are things that run through people's minds everyday. For some of us this burden of a different life becomes too strong to handle, and we try to get rid of it. We slash our wrists. We hang ourselves. We shoot our brains. We drown ourselves. So on. You know the stories. You have heard of the kids who took their lives before they even knew what living was. You have heard of the troubled men and women who have given up. You have heard of it all. To some of you you cannot even fathom it. To some of you these stories ring too true to your own. What I want to say, even being someone who has struggled with this myself, taking away life is a terrible thing. Even if it is yours. 

Not all of us may believe in God. But most of us know that we are here for a reason. To some of you what I am about to say may have no significance to you. You may care less about what I have to say, but I ask that you read this anyway, and see if it makes a difference. 

I believe that we have a creator, and His name is God. The greatest thing that God has ever done for us is give us life. One night I laid in my bed, and began think of why I was even here. I began to question God, and why He put me here. I began to think that I should just quit. Give up on life, and take it away from myself. But then God spoke. 

I began to realize that life truly is, as I have already said, the best gift ever given to us. Imagine the best gift you have given, or could give, someone. The most extravagant gift that takes so much effort and time on your part to give to someone. Imagine the happiness and joy you gain from giving not only this gift, but so much of yourself with it. To some this is just a diamond ring accompanied by the words, "Will you marry me." To some it is more materialized as in a house or a car. Now granite I am going to simplify a much more complicated situation, but that is not to say that it does not make sense or ring true. 

Say I spend years saving up and preparing to buy a house for someone who needs it. This is no ordinary house. Not only did I put so much of myself into it, but this house is amazing. Stone on the walls, huge kitchen, huge rooms, everything ever wanted/needed. Basically a mansion. Even a pool with a walkway underneath to look up at those swimming. It is AMAZING. I want to keep it for myself, but instead I want to give it to someone very special. Maybe my parents, my sister, someone else in my family, or maybe even someone in need. So I do. Say my parents, just because mostly everyone can relate to that. I bring them to the house. I am excited. I have been preparing for this moment for years. They look at it. They love it. They begin to walk around, and experience it. Walking through each hallway with excitement. But then they begin to become a little less excited. The garage only fits three cars, but they have four. The hallway is painted red like the house of one of my mother's former boyfriends when she was younger, which brings back bad memories. The kitchen counters are a little different then the color they like. Eventually they turn to me and say that they do not want it anymore. How am I to react? What do you mean you do not want it? It's for you! It's fits you perfectly. The color of the counter is different because it brings out mom's eyes the way dad likes them. The garage only has three car doors because it allows mom to show off her car when she wants, but when it rains it can be switched with dad's minivan. The red hallway is filled with pictures of our family, which is to make mom realize what she has gotten for waiting for the right relationship as opposed to sticking with the former boyfriend. It is perfect. It is for you. It was meant for no one else but you. 

This is a little bit how God looks at us. Life is the biggest, most extravagant gift He has ever given to us. He meant it for us, and only us. It is perfect. It breaks His heart for us to think otherwise. And when we give it away it tears Him apart. A piece of Him dies with you. He invested Himself in you. He made you in His image. He spent a long time on creating you, not only nine months, but the years it took to line up anyone who ever had a part in the relationships of your elders that came together creating a lineage that lead to YOU. He has planned on you and the things you have done, and will do, for the entire existence of this earth. You have a place. He not only loves you with everything He has, but He wants you to accept and enjoy this gift, and most importantly, never give it away.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !