Friday, January 17, 2014

Love Does Wrong?

Love does, right? But if loves does, can love do wrong? Because lately, despite my greatest efforts, my action of which I would call love has seemed to have caused harm. The reactions to my actions have lead me to believe no other conclusion than that my love has done wrong. To me it sounds like a contradiction because I have always believed that as long as one loves, and wholeheartedly displays that love, than one does not do wrong. But, though my intentions are good, my intentions fail and the damage of my actions prevail. These musings of thought have no conclusion, and I wonder, as you must, "Why do I feel the need to write this for the public to see if I have no conclusion?" My answer is that maybe, just maybe, these musings will benefit another. Maybe someone will find comfort in the knowledge that their thoughts, like mine, are not in solitude but in community with my thoughts. And so I leave you with this.

Unfortunately, it is not your intentions that matter. It is your actions. What are your actions? Are they love? Are they hate? Are they spontaneous? Or are they well thought out? Are they selfish? Are they humble? And when you find yourself and I alike to the point to where your loving actions still create damage, know that through grace, mercy, and the willingness to find healing in both I believe that there can be restoration. All you have to do is try. All you have to do is be humble enough to apologize. I mean honestly apologize, and receive the forgiveness. Because frankly, the opposite is just not worth the comfort. Especially if it causes one to perish.