Thursday, July 24, 2014

Amos 6: You Who Are Complacent

This morning for my devotion I read the story of Amos chapter 6. In this chapter Amos is calling out the people in Zion and Mount Samaria for being complacent, and relaxing in their comfort while others around them suffer and are in great pain. 

This chapter was immediately convicting. How alike are we Americans to the people Amos was challenging? All we care about is our heath, our comfort, our freedom. We scold our government for "getting into other people's business that is not of our concern". We yell at them to send back foreign children without any help because they were wrong upon entering our country, and they might threaten our comfort, health, and freedom that was gained by our random entrance into a favorable birth place not of our choosing. We are hesitant to enter situations where we might not be completely comfortable, and always keep our best interest in mind forgetting the best interest of others. But are we not called to leave our comfort, and help those who are hurting? How selfish are we to lay back on our couches, watching our favorite shows, and pretending to care for all those we hear about on the nightly news. Yet, every morning we wake up in the comfort of our beds, and start over the process of pretending to have a heavy heart, but not acting on it. 

I want to challenge you to think about how you can step out of your comfort, refuse to be complacent, and help those who are hurting around you. Then go and do it. Because what worth does an idea hold if it is never called into action?

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