Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Getting Started

So I don’t even know how to define myself to all of you. I guess I’m a writer, a creator, a film maker. A dreamer, definitely a dreamer. Someone who believes in almost everyone and their potential. A friend. I hope I’m a good friend. An admirer of the show “Friends”, I absolutely love it. I movie goer. A college student. A North Carroll Alumni. A Panther. Always a Panther. Never, not a Panther. Second place, in Varsity Softball States. A christian. A person. 
Why am I here? Well, I’d be lying to you if I said that no one inspired me. Everyone inspires me. My good, childhood friend, Becky inspired me to start writing here. I love writing and always will. Lately it just seems that everything is pointing to writing a blog. I mean all my friends rant on and on about how great Becky’s blog is. My Concept and Story class at Towson encourages me to keep a journal. Everything just seems to say, “Express yourself, in blog form.” So I went to finally check out Becky’s blog, and not even minutes into it I joined blogspot. I must admit, I still haven’t read some of Becky’s writings, only because I guess I’m nervous to see what they’re about, but rest assured, I will. 
So a few of my interests. Well, writing, film making, movie watching, Friends (the show, as well as actual friends), How I Met Your Mother, One Tree Hill, Softball, Dirt Bike Riding, Stand By Me, The Pursuit of Happyness, the Ravens, Lean on Me, guitar, piano, drums, music (playing and listening), CHURCH, speaking… I have so many more.
And as an ending note, I’m excited to get to talk to you guys, and I will try as hard as possible to continue writing. 

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