Thursday, June 7, 2012

Going Under: Rising Back Up

All these monumental moments that all point to my next step/part of life are rolling in like waves that crash on the ocean's shore. I completed my first year of college. It has been a year since I graduated. My younger friends, not all of them, but the ones that I have grown up with trying to mentor or set an example for, realizing that I failed miserably when I was younger, but trying to make up for it as I grow older, are graduating. Did you catch all of that? How is it that these kids that have been like babies to me  my entire life, even if they are just a year younger, are receiving their diplomas and moving away from home? How did they get there? How did I even get there? My friends that are attending the same school I am transferring to are graduated, and for some reason it makes the fact that I am about to move hours away so real. My pastor and his wife are beginning to pack away their things. Moments that I thought would never come have come and gone like they were never there. Days that use to go by like years now go by like seconds. Years turned into months, months turned into weeks, weeks turned into days, days turned into hours, hours turned into minutes, and minutes turned into seconds so that now years seem to just be seconds. Seconds that are fleeting away. Where has time gone? Where is it going? This is all happening so fast that the waves seem to be taking me under. Is it weird to say I like it though? Is it weird to say that feeling of being taken under kind of excites me, and makes me want to learn what is waiting under there for me. I am really going to miss this place, but I am excited to see what is waiting for me. It is like I know that I am about to be ripped under. I know that it is about to get hard, and difficult, and devastating. I know that I am going to feel like I am being taken under. That I am drowning. That I will never come back up. But I know there is something waiting for me when I go under. And I am going to rise again. And when I do I will rise up stronger than ever before. I cannot wait. I am terrified, but I cannot wait. I may feel like I am drowning, but I will not. I am just going to fall under for a few moments in time, and rise back up like never before! 

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

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