Friday, February 17, 2012

The Reason

Some people come into your life for no known reason. Whether it be a year or a few seconds, believe it, they are there for you. Some people feel the urge to talk to someone and have no idea why. Some people walk into hallways just because they felt the need to. Things like this happen every day, and the people performing the action don't know why they do it. I know. God directed them there. That was the "urge", God calling on your heart. Think about any hall you ever walked down to find someone there staring at you. Or a bathroom that you walked in just to check yourself out, and someone was there. That person in the hall may have just been looking for someone to show up, and you were it. The person in the bathroom may have finally broke down and began cutting themselves, but when you walked in, they stopped, afraid you would find out. That person you felt the urge to talk to is lost and lonely and just looking for someone to be nice. How do I know this? Because once upon a time I was that person that had random people show up in my life just to keep me from harming my self, in bathrooms, in hallways, in the back of a class room. To keep me from feeling lost and lonely. So next time you feel the "urge", believe that it is for a reason and listen. Don't let the person that you are helping struggle. Who cares if you never get to see who you're helping, help them anyway.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Have Found the Answer

Once upon a time
I would walk the streets
looking for any kid
of whom I could beat

Looking for an answer
in the wrong places
so I grew angry
and forgot all my victim's faces

But to anyone who will look my way
I have found the answer today

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He bled for me

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He gave His only son for me

One day I grew tired
My heart burned
Like an ugly fire

All my victim's faces
came back
and took my memories places

I saw all of them
harming themselves
I knew the feeling
I did it to myself

and I knew I need an answer
but there was no where to look 
I didn't know GOD
Or His Holy Book

But to anyone who will look my way
I have found the answer today

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer 
He bled for me

I found the answer 
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer 
He gave His only son for me

All those who are lost
I understand
All those who are dirty
I understand

One night I laid in bed 
dug a pen in my skin
cried and cried
then dug in again

And now I thank the Lord and His son
that my parents never owned a gun
because if they did
on that night
they would have seen a terrible fright
and I would have been in hell
with a hole-in-one

But to anyone who will look my way
I have found the answer today

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He bled for me

I found the answer 
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He gave His only son for me

And to all of you who know the answer
raise your hands
so He can see

And to all of you who know the answer
raise your hands
for all of them to see

And to all of who are raising their hands
Lend your hands
to the lost man
Say. "Come and join the party my friend."

And to all of you who are lost
I know the feeling
but he's paid the cost

And if you think you're not clean enough
You're mistaken
You, all of those who's hands are risen

They can testify
Like me
They were once more
dirty than clean

But he can wash it ALL away!
So grab our hands 
So you can raise your own today

I found the answer 
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He bled for me

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He gave His only son for me

And if you think you're not clean enough
You're mistaken
You, all who's hands are risen

They can testify 
like me
they were once more
dirty then clean

But he can wash it ALL away!
So grab our hands
join us today!

I found the answer 
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer 
He bled for me

I found the answer
His name is G.O.D
I found the answer
He gave His only son for me

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Are God's Gold Coin

In the book of Matthew a few men walk up to Jesus and try to stumble him on his knowledge. They ask if they should give Caesar taxes or not. I do not know their motive behind this question, but I can guess that they were thinking if all their loyalty should be with God, then why be loyal to Caesar? Speaking about the Gold coin Jesus told them....

Matthew 22:20-22 (MSG)
 20"This engraving—who does it look like? And whose name is on it?"
 21They said, "Caesar."
   "Then give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his."

God's name is on you. He made you in his very hands. He planned your family, your life, and he walks beside you on your way. With taxes you give you "gold coins" with our presidents' faces in return you receive a better community with better parks, better emergency responses, better government building. You are God's coin. Give him what is his, and in return he will give you better things.

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Matthew 21:28-32 (MSG)
The Story of Two Sons

28"Tell me what you think of this story: A man had two sons. He went up to the first and said, 'Son, go out for the day and work in the vineyard.'
29"The son answered, 'I don't want to.' Later on he thought better of it and went.
30"The father gave the same command to the second son. He answered, 'Sure, glad to.' But he never went.
31-32"Which of the two sons did what the father asked?"

"Actions speak louder than words." -Abraham Lincoln

Matthew is still my favorite book.

Keep Your Head Up

‎2 Corinthians 10:3-4
New International Version (NIV)
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." -Joseph P. Kennedy

Though we may look in sorrow at all of those around us who are not like us, who do not have the answer, christ, because they bog us down with hatred, swear words, judgement, we should be rejoicing for they are just like we use to be. Someone lost without an answer. And instead of asking the Lord "Why?" we should be asking the Lord "How". Not, "Why must they swear at me everyday just because they know I'm a christian?" but "How can I help them Lord?" "How can I show them the same love you showed me so that they realize there is no need for words like that?" Not "Why must they persist on trying to convince me that you are not real, and then tell me that I am the one who is forcing my opinions on them?" but "How can I show them the same love that you showed me, the same love that proves your existence without having to say one word?" So to all of you who, like me, just returned from Winterfest, one of the best experiences I have ever had, to a place where you are being bogged down by others and the lack of God, and you are struggling to keep your head up remember try not to ask why, but rather how. "How can I use these unique, weird, and different weapons that you have given me, God?"