Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Are God's Gold Coin

In the book of Matthew a few men walk up to Jesus and try to stumble him on his knowledge. They ask if they should give Caesar taxes or not. I do not know their motive behind this question, but I can guess that they were thinking if all their loyalty should be with God, then why be loyal to Caesar? Speaking about the Gold coin Jesus told them....

Matthew 22:20-22 (MSG)
 20"This engraving—who does it look like? And whose name is on it?"
 21They said, "Caesar."
   "Then give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his."

God's name is on you. He made you in his very hands. He planned your family, your life, and he walks beside you on your way. With taxes you give you "gold coins" with our presidents' faces in return you receive a better community with better parks, better emergency responses, better government building. You are God's coin. Give him what is his, and in return he will give you better things.

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