Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder"

It is weird to think about how big your family can become within a short amount of time. People wonder how parents can love each child with the same amount of love. I am beginning to undertand. I look at a picture of those I consider to be closest to me. There are about 30 plus of them, most of which I did not even know until this past year. Yet, I look at each one of their faces with the same loving eyes. I look at each one of them, wondering what they are doing, what they are going through, what wrongs I have done them, and most of all how much I going to miss them when they are gone.

"Distance makes the heart grow fonder..." Jason Zebehazy

Most people think that this is just something couples in long distance relationships tell each other to comfort themselves, but I believe in it. I think this sorrowful feeling I get whenever I see those I love, the one that brings tears to my eyes when I see their faces, the feeling I can only label as missing them, I think this feeling is my heart crying out. My heart trying to tell me that soon they will not be a part of my everyday life. Soon I will shed tears because I miss them, but that time is not now. Now is the time to love. Now is the time not to waste. Now is the time to let the heart grow fonder so that when the distance comes, well, it never truly comes. Instead, I might never see their face, or embrace them, but I can still hear their voice and read their words, allowing them to feel closer than ever before.

Do not stumble over the future that has not come so much that you distance yourself even when you are physically close, but instead leave the future to the future and live in the present. Have peace in knowing that God has plans that are far better than your own.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

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