Monday, April 23, 2012

A Very Long Status

(This is a Facebook status of mine that I posted) (Hence the title)

In life we come to times where there are things we do not want to do. Reasons for that are fear, laziness, lack of time, lack of knowledge, or we know that it is wrong. The only thing from that list the only thing that I can see as a good reason is knowing that it is wrong. Fear can be overcome. Trust me, when I say that I am pointing to myself. Laziness is never the answer, and gets you no where. Lack of time. Well, that is a hard one. If something is so important your time can be manipulated. However, time is an intricate balancing act of trying not to overdue yourself, but also trying not to miss out on opportunities. Lack of  knowledge. That is just ignorance. To those who do not know, no ignorance is not the act of being rude or inconsiderate, but actually a state of not knowing. Being ignorant does not mean that you are dumb, but rather that you have not had access to certain information, and therefore do not know. Anyone can obtain knowledge. Lack of knowledge can be cured by reading books, searching the web on reliable sources, schooling, or just listening to those around you. Sometimes it is as simple as listening to the children. The young ones especially. If they learn something they feel has never ever been known in the entire span of the universe (even though it was taught to them by someone else) they are SO eager to tell you. Yes, maybe, nine times out of ten they are telling you something you all ready know, but just wait there will be a day when they tell you something you have never known before. If you have a question, ask somebody. Find an answer. Lack of knowledge is easily cured.

Too often we pass things up because they look too difficult. That book is too long. I want to read that person's blog, but each time they post it is like their publishing a book. I bet you that most people are not even reading this status because it is too long. I want to be a doctor, but that is a lot of work. I want change the world, but I do not think it can ever be done. To those who believe that, I think that is a total lie. You do not need to do much to change the world. Every action has a web of reactions. You do one good action, and that action will impact others. Say you just simply write something. Something that means something. Someone else reads it. They become inspired. They do something great. This action/reaction can propel you to save the world with one random act of kindness each day, or just one thing each day, nothing huge. It can be done. To all you out there, that are letting these things stop you, I encourage to stop letting them. Life is SO short if you really think about it, and we only get ONE shot at this. So why waste it with laziness. Why waste it like we can always come back and redo it. I constantly have to remind myself of this. Today even, I have to write a paper for one of my classes. I do not want to do it. It really hard, and I am not sure if I am really going to do well on it. I have a ton of time on my hands today, and all that I can think about accomplishing today is writing my paper, and picking up a kid from his school to take him to daycare (this is my only source of money). Why though? Why am I wasting this time? I do not get this day, ever again! I can do something as simple as read my bible, which to some of you means nothing, but to me it means a lot. The power in reading my bible can change the world. I know this. I can write one of my books today, I have several that are "in progress" that I know I need to pick back up. On that note, I can do the same for my movie scripts. I could spread the word about some great cause. I could go out on town, and just have a great day. I could find job! Hey, that is a crazy concept! I could apply for scholarships. I could do something with myself! Best of all if I go "out on the town" I could do something else for someone. I could find someone who needs, and actually make a difference today! To all of you who do not want to read the longs things, or take the long, difficult paths of life, I encourage to do so. You never know what you might find. Sure, that long book, or status, or post, may just be a waste of time, or it may just not be. If it is that long, often someone put some time in it. Meaning, they did not make it that long just for the heck of it. So put in that extra effort, and find that something that is in the more difficult parts of life. That is why they are so difficult. "Nothing in life worth having comes easy." -Dr.Kelso (From Scrubs) (Originate off of a quote by Andrew Carnegie) All the treasures, meanings, and things like that of life come from those things that are "too difficult". So make the extra strive to do them. Do not waste this time that has been given to you. You are lucky, for there are others in this world who did not  or are not going to make it to this moment, but you did, so make something of it.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

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