Thursday, May 3, 2012

Skating By

Do you ever find yourself trying to see how far God will take you? Now I do not mean in the sense of, "Let me see how long God will actually be there for me?" or "I want to see how far God will raise me up." Because God will always be there for you, and God will never stop raising you up. What I mean is do you ever coast by in life praying prayers for Him to mend your mistakes, or make up for your laziness? "God I know that I did not study, but I really need to pass this class so that I can go on and do great things for you. Please forgive me and bless this test so that I get a good grade." "God I know I need a job right now, but I cannot find time. I want to spend my time honoring you with sharing your word with people on the streets, and reading my bible. I have no time for a job. So could you please help me out and find me a way to get money for food tonight?" Prayers like those. I have no doubt in my mind that God will help you. He has helped me in times like this. God will never let you down. That is a promise I can make, and keep forever. You have my word. However, I wonder how many times we let Him down? How many times do we find ourselves not studying becuase we know that when we pray to God to "bless the test" He will answer? How many times do we not go out and look for a job, because we know that when we ask God to do so He will provide? How many times do we coast on by, letting God have our back, when we do not do anything but let Him down? He will always be there for you, but why be so undeserving? We will never truly deserve God's love. That is a fact. But that should NEVER stop us from trying. So, God will help you in school, does this mean you should not study? No. Just because God is helping you does not mean He approves. Think about it. Think about everytime anyone has ever let you down. Anytime you had a project at school and the one kid who did not put in any effort, but still recieves the "A" the rest of the group deserved. Think about the kid next to you in class who cheats off your work. He still gets the same grade you do, but without all the work. Think about every time you have been let down. Now think about how many times you are doing that to God. Think about how many times you bring Him to tears because you will not put in the work.

Mark Batterson writes, "And isn't it just a little ironic that the Israelites were complaining about one miracle while asking for another one? Their capacity for complaing was simply astounding, and we scoff at the Israelites for grumbling about a meal of manna that was miraculously delievered to their doorsteps every day, but don't we do the same thing?" - Mark Batterson (Circle Maker)

How do you expect God to trust you with those big things if you do not even put the work in to conquer the little things? How can you expect God to give you the amazing miracles you want and demand when you will not stop taking the little miracles for granted?

If someone cheated off of you in class and skated by off of your work you would be upset. You would see that, though they got the same grades, it was because of you, and they were ungrateful. They just relied on you. They knew that you would always be there, and they could always cheat off of you. Then one day they came up to you with a proposition. Their family just discovered some incredible debt, and they may have to sell their house. Their mom is a single mom, works three jobs, and they have three other siblings. You know that he needs help. You can see that. Your family is rather wealthy, and can afford to lend a helping hand. He asks you to do so. He promises that if you allow him ,he will work hard for you, lawn work, house work, any work you need in order to earn money. How are you to trust that he will work hard? How are you to trust that he will come through for you? He cannot even do simple work in his classroom, how is he going to have the determination to move mountains for you? I cannot imagine how God thinks, but if I had some insight I would say this is how He looks at me. I feel like He has some major things in store for me. However, if I slack off, if I coast by in life, and do not start getting my act together how is He to trust that I will have my act together when he needs to count on me? How is He to not think that I will not just coast on by thinking that He will take care of it. Yes, God can take care of it. As my pastor simply put it, "God does not need us." However, as he also explained, God may not need us, but He chose to use us. So, therefore in the huge world-changing ways that God plans to use us, He cannot count on someone who wants to just coast on by thinking, "Oh well, God will take care of it for me."

It does not surprise me that some people think this way. Afterall, God is our father. How many times have you come to a predicament where you thought, "Whatever, my parents can take care of it." You get in a small accident in your car, and create a minor dent. "Whatever, my parents can fix it." You get asked to go to the movies. "Sure, I'll just get money from my parents"And so on. This is how some of us treat our father in heaven as well. However, our father in heaven told us one very important thing, "Honor thy mother and father." If you ask me, treating your parents as a back up plan is not honoring them at all. So why do we do it? Most importantly why do we do it to God? That is not honoring Him at all. Yet, we expect Him to pull through. And yet, He still does pull thorugh. Even if we do not deserve it. That is the power of the Lord. However, just because that is the power in the Lord, does not mean we should take advantage.

Stop taking advantage of God. Show Him that you are meant for the calling He has planned for you. Start putting forth the effort. Stop praying for Him to make up for your laziness, and start acting so that there is nothing for Him to make up for. Start striving to deserve His love.

Like what you read? Check out my other blog "There's a Tide in the Affairs of  Men *College*" !

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