Monday, November 28, 2011

Being Like Ruth

"Ruth could see no evil in others' hearts, because she had none in her own." (Mandy Hager)

This is a quote from The Crossing.

I get myself in trouble all the time because I am too oblivious to see the evil ways of those who surround me. Some people see this as a bad thing. I do not. I believe in giving someone the same opportunity to prove themselves, and receive forgiveness as the Lord gives to me.

So I strive to be like Ruth in The Crossing. To not only continue not to believe in the evil ways of others, but to be able to do so because I have no evil ways of my own.

Pizza Delivery Tip
I would suggest that you read the book The Crossing. Unfortunately you may not be able to find it in a library for the book is written by a Kiwi author. So you may have to buy the book off of Amazon. I have not completely finished it yet, but I can all ready tell that it is worth my time.

From my perspective the book is an interesting comment on many things. It's a comment on society and how power can manipulate the ways, once meant to help someone, into ways that harm a whole race of people. It's a comment on how people misinterpret the ways of the bible and create them to be ways of a cult. It's an exciting book that tells the story of a young girl named Miriam who is forced off her island home to move to what she thinks is the holy city of the Lord, but later finds out differently. I think as a Christian you would enjoy this. I think as someone who has no faith or religion, you would enjoy this. I think either way you would enjoy the book.

The Crossing

Sometimes I'm Overwhelmed By Your Beauty

Walking the paths of Towson today my Ipod turned to the song "Let it Go" by Tenth Avenue. I do not know if it was the music or the environment, but it felt almost as if God opened up his beauty right before me. It was overwhelming. I looked up into the skyline where I spotted the Marriott hotel. I saw the red sign that read, "Marriott" against the brown bricks of the building, surrounded by the amazingly blue sky. I almost broke down in tears. I could not understand. How could something so simple break me down like that? Then I looked around at everything that surrounded me, and it all began to shine the same light as the Marriott. Each thing bringing tears to my eyes. I felt like they were all screaming, "Look at my beauty, I was made by the hands of God for you! I represent your creator!"

It is amazing sometimes, the complex simplicity of His beauty. Something as simple as a building can show you just a small glimpse of His beauty. I looked down. My hands, my body, my face, all red with passion. It took every bit of me not to break down and cry.

This all reminds me of the first time I heard my friend speak. We were childhood friends who unfortunately grew separate over the years. A certain irony faces me day by day as I glance over at her house from my backyard. The irony that her house is so close, yet she feels so far away. I say all of this not for sympathy, and certainly not to provoke anger towards her, but to display how distant we have become. I now feel as if she is that sister that moves away, and the only connection is words from a friend or neighbor. So when she spoke I sat on the edge of my seat, wanting to know how she had been.

Then she shared a story of a part of her life when she would walk down the road noticing one minuscule thing after another in aw that it was there because of God. She expressed the same feeling I felt of being brought to tears by such a simple thing. I now understand what she was talking about that day.

It is something so far beyond amazing, God's beauty, but that is the only word I have. It is something we may never fully understand, but it is something anyone can recognize. Even those who do not know Him.

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by your beauty
Sometimes I fall to my knees
It's amazing, how much it moves me
It's a wonder, like all of the seas

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by your beauty
Sometimes I fall to my knees
It's amazing, how much it moves me
It's a wonder, like all of the seas

Sometimes I walk
Sometimes I run
To the alter
Trying to make sense

But now I know
When it comes to you
There's no ways
of making sense

That's only part of humans 


Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by your beauty
Sometimes I fall to my knees
It's amazing, how much it moves me
It's a wonder, like all of the seas

Every brick you lay
Every noise you make
Every time you stay
Every breath I take

Every time I hear
Your music in my ears
Every time I feel
You asking me to kneel

I fall to my knees

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by your beauty
Sometimes I fall to my knees 
It's amazing, how much it moves me
It's a wonder, like all of the seas

Pizza Delivery Tip of the Day
Go out of your way sometime to walk around somewhere. City or nature, you get the same result. Take nothing with you except may be an Ipod. look around and take everything in. See God's beauty It is hard not to see it.

If you do not believe in God I strongly suggest that you try to do the same, but instead of seeing it as God's beauty just see it as the world's beauty.

However, I strongly encourage that you open your mind to the possibility that it might be God. You never know what you find.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't Forget Where You Came From

Today while watching the “The Sing Off” on TV my Dad made a remark that was mocking how I reacted to something on the television. Out of anger I said something that I would usually say to some of my guy friends, when they anger me, about harming them in a way specific to their gender, thinking that it would be funny. Something I now realize I should not even be saying, especially not to my own father. My father corrected me, and though he never laid a hand on me I felt like I was being slapped in the face. It was just one of those moments when something really small kicks you into gear. I could just feel my heart sink.

My father is someone that I look up to, and keep very dear to myself. I hate disappointing him. So it is perfect that he is the one who put me in my place.

This is a message that has a few motives behind it. In the beginning I wanted to try and convince everyone to keep their social life with friends, and how they talk, not the same as how they interact with their parents. Then I realized that that is not at all what I want. I want to try and convince everyone that you should treat your parents well, but you should also treat everyone well. I know it is cheesy. It is what you have heard your entire life. Act as if your parents were there. Honestly though. There is a phrase that if you are always honest there will be less for you to remember. I believe the same goes for when you watch how you act.

Some people are really good at covering for themselves. Some people are really good at keeping how they talk to their friends different from how they talk to their family. However, everyone knows that even the best cannot always keep things from slipping. Even the best of the best with covering their ways have slipped a curse word or two in front of their parents. Your lies and cheats always come around to get you. I say relieve yourself of all those pressures and worries, and just act towards your friends the way you would your family. I am not saying you cannot joke around with your family. I am just saying do not say things to your friends that you would not want your parents to hear.

This also got me thinking about how you should never forget to appreciate those who care for you, especially your parents. In the same way that an artist or actor never forgets the streets they grew up on, you should never forget the one or two people who were always there with you on your lives journey. Just as you should forever be grateful to your creator, the Lord. You should be grateful to the people he placed you on earth with.

All in all respect your parents, and never forget the great aspect of your life that they are. Watch what you say, around both your friends and family. Do not ever forget the place that you came from. It raised you. No matter how difficult or beat down it was it made you into the person you are today. Never forget it. Never forget the person who put you there, God. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Jesus Paid Much Too High a Price for Us to Pick and Choose Who Should Come"

As a child growing up, my mother had a gay friend that I was around often. I thought he was really cool, and I still do today. I was raised to accept anyone and everyone for whoever they are whether they are gay, straight, black, white, foreign, anything. I understood that, and agreed with it strongly.

Recently with in the past nine months I have been going to church, and strengthening my relationship with God. Prior to this nine month period that I have used to develop my relationship I had never gone to church, so my views were never influenced by anything in the Bible. Now that my views are influenced by the bible my life has changed so much for the better. Things make sense now. Everything I do has a purpose. And then of course I came to the point in the Bible that tore me apart.

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (NKJ, Leviticus 18:22)

The reason this tears me apart is because I have been told my whole life that those who are gay are perfectly okay, and nothing else.

I talked to other christians about it, and tried to see if it was a miss understanding, but if you look it is pretty clear, no miss understandings.

Usually when I read something in the Bible that goes against my old ways I have no problem. I read it, I understand it, I follow it because I understand that my life is way better now because I do so. However, when I read this part of the Bible I did not feel that way at all. I felt completely torn. How was I to tell someone they are wrong? How am I supposed to look at someone in tears for how they have been treated and tell them that they are wrong? 

I fell to my knees in prayer time and time again.

Then finally one day God threw it in my face. I talk about it all the time. I did a sermon on it at my church. I post things about it all the time, and yet I was so blind I did not see it.

It is not OUR place to judge. It is only GOD's place to judge.

God never meant for us to go around and tell people whether or not what they are doing is right. What he did mean for us however, is to lead the people to the doors of his kingdom. Bring people into the church. Bring people to him, God. And then let God himself talk to them and tell them about their wrong doings. Our only job is to get them to the alter. Not judge them so they never get there.

When we tell someone they are trash, it is like telling God he is trash. We have to remember that they are still part of God's creation, and God does not make trash.

Would you follow someone in to their house if they first insulted you? Say you were homeless, and someone on the streets confronted you. They told you how stupid you were because you never got an education to get yourself out of where you are. They told you how lazy you were because you do not have a job. They told you how revolting you were because of your smell and your looks. Then they asked you to follow them to their house. Would you follow them? Would you trust them?

So then why do we expect to be able to help those that we think are sin ridden, if all we do is criticize them for their sins? We become so angry and frustrated that they are not coming to the doors of the church, but we do not realize that what we are doing is driving them away. We do not realize that every time we insult them we are just creating an army and a barrier against us. Each insult is a fuel to their sinful fire. The more we insult them the more they do not want to come back. Everyone knows that God is within themselves. Everyone can feel it. Some do not understand it, so they never follow it. Some fight it because they are afraid. Some understand it, and love it, so they follow it. Some turn against it because those who follow it turn against them. When they realize that something that was supposed to be good is no longer good they grow angry and scared, and that is why they do not follow us. We say that we are just trying to lead them to good, and yet we are just elongating the path to Him.

"The same God who said, "Don't commit adultery," also said, "Don't murder." If you don't commit adultery but go ahead and murder, do you think your non-adultery will cancel out your murder? No, you're a murderer, period."James 2:10 in the Message

All sins are the same according to God. Shoplifting is the same as gay marriage. Adultery and sex before marriage is the same as homosexuality. It is all the same in God's eyes. So why do we single them out?

I am just saying we should not focus on what they are doing wrong because that is not what we are here to do. God does not want us here so that we tear each other apart with accusations. He put us here so that we could show others his love. That is all we should do, lead them to the alter, and let God take it from there. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

There May be Pain in the Night But Joy Comes in the Morning

Lately, I feel like I can not do anything right. Once I have accomplished something I turn around with another failure. One step forward and two steps back seems like my new motto. Every night I go to bed hoping that I'll sleep it off, and yet each morning when I wake up it seems like double the weight has been put on my heart.

So I've decided to try something new every night. Instead of just hoping that the weight will be lifted in the morning I have a different technique, and I am hoping you all will try it along with me. 

Every night before you go to sleep grab your bible, if you do not have one it is okay, it is not completely necessary all though if you can find one that would be great. Do your nightly routine and get yourself to bed, but this time bring your bible with you. Lay down in bed and open the bible to a random spot. Bow your head and begin to pray, or even just talk to God. Talk to him about all your problems. Talk to him about all of your frustrations. Talk to him about the weight you carry on your heart. Give it all to him. Then once you feel you have given it all to God, and only then, look down at your bible. Read the first verse you see and go from there. Read as much as you can handle. The first night it may only be a verse, but the father you get, who knows maybe you will have read through an entire book. Before you read though pray to God that it will speak to your heart. This is not 100% fireproof, some nights the words will not have anything to do with your problems, and some nights it will have everything to do with your problems. If it does that's awesome! If not, do not worry, that is not the only meaning to all of this. The meaning to all of this is that when you read allow yourself to keep your mind off of your problems so that you can allow your brain to marinate itself in the bible, completely surrounding it with the word. Once you grow tired shut the bible and lay it either next to or under your pillow, and rest. 

In the morning you will wake up, and you will no longer feel that weight holding you down, but joy. For there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. 

Pizza Delivery Tip of the Day
When deciding late at night whether you should sleep or stay awake so you can do what you want (read a book, watch a movie, play a video game) go to sleep and instead wake up early. I know for some of you this sounds foreign and unlikely. Especially if you are like my good friend who would rather stay up till six in the morning watching movies than wake up at six in the morning. However, trust me when you do this you will feel so much more fulfilled. I can not explain it, but it is true. There is something about letting your eyes rest when they need to, and waking up fresh in the morning. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Youth For Christ Rally

The youth for Christ Rally is tonight and I am so pumped! Unfortunately due to my job at school I am going to be late. I am pretty sure this means that I will miss the drama which is really disappointing. I know how moved the Portside Drama Team is going to leave those kids, and I really wish I could be there to see it. I was once one of those kids sitting in the audience searching for an answer, and they threw the answer in my face when they performed HIStory at Teen Talent. I will never forget that experience. If I could I would do anything to go back to that day. If in heaven God ever gives us moments where we can re-experience an experience in our lives that, and my talk on the steps of Lee are both at the top of the list. The best part about it all is that Portside does not even understand what they are doing when they are up there. At teen talent when they performed I am pretty sure that they had their eyes on the prize. Little did they know they might have gotten the prize they had their eyes on, but they gave me a far better prize. The passion and commitment to a God far better than the rest. I truly believe that tonight they will win the heart of someone, even if it is just one tonight will be a glorious night for the Lord, and I am certain he will be smiling down upon them. Good Luck guys!

Pizza Delivery Tip of the Day
If you are looking for something to change your life or just entertain you go to Facebook or YouTube and type in Portside or Lighthouse Drama team. You can also find them on Vimeo. You especially want to see GOD Drama and HIStory.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pizza Delivery Tips

So you know that old time joke where a pizza delivery guy asks for a tip and the person responds, "Here's a tip, wear some deodorant smelly." ? Well I've decided that I'm going to try and give you guys tips for reading my blog. A little thing to add to my everyday blogging. So since I would love to tip you all with money, but I am currently penny-less, I will tip you with these tips.

Pizza Tip of the Day
Just because you or any of your friends don't smoke pot doesn't mean you won't be questioned when you are pulled over. Always make sure your car smells fresh and clean so the officer doesn't mistake your dirty laundry smell with marijuana.

How to Treat Others

"The simple moral fact is that words kill." Matthew 5:21-22 in the Message
If you ask me I would say forget the saying "Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words can never hurt me." It is great in terms of trying to convince yourself that negative things that other people say can not hurt you. However, the truth is it does. On top of that those intending to hurt others with words can say it is okay because they never threw a stick or stone. 

As a christian in God's eyes any sin is a sin, one no higher than the other. When you insult one of His children you should just go right to God, because when you insult his children you insult Him. God does not make trash. Therefore He becomes hurt when you tell one of his creations that they are trash. 

"Carelessly call a brother an 'idiot!' and you just might find yourself hauled into court." Matthew 5:22 [The Message]

Now say you have all ready passed the insult. Say you have all ready hurt someone with your words or even your fists, what should you do? Cower and hope they forget? No. Think back to the last person who hurt you, did you forget it? Or did you remember, and you still carry it around? Most likely you still remember it. 

In the Bible it states that those who seek forgiveness must be forgiving themselves. 

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Matthew 5:23-24
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother and sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. 

So if you have all ready hurt someone, before you ask for God's forgiveness, ask for their forgiveness. Go make things right. Apologize, and mean it. 

If you are on the other end and someone who has hurt you asks for forgiveness, forgive them, do not hold a grudge. If you want to be forgiven you must forgive first. Forgive others as God and Jesus both forgave you. I could go on and on about verses and messages from the bible on forgiveness forever. Most of all, though trust me that forgiving someone is far better than hating them. Hate just festers and carries dark thoughts. Where as forgiveness lifts the darkness of the past. Now, what happens if this person has done this to you before. How many times do you forgive them before you stop? One? Two? Three? There is no limit. Never stop forgiving them no matter how many times it happens. 

Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

You never stop forgiving as long as they ask for forgiveness. You would want the same back. So why not expect of yourself what you would expect of them?

Matthew 7:1-2 and 5
"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults--  unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging." Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor. [The Message]

It is pretty simple, treat others the way you want to be treated. Though you may think with all these lessons we get as christians that teach us what not to do in order to be a good christian, part of our job is to point out when other christians do one of these "what not to do" things. This is not the case, however. There is only one who can do that, and judge whether or not what someone is doing is right, and that is God. I say we stop focusing on pointing out the flaws of others and focus more on bringing them to God. Once we have brought them to God, He can then take over and tell them whether or not what they are doing is wrong. Only if they ask is when we tell. If they ask if what they are doing is wrong and you can, with biblical evidence, answer them, then I believe that is okay, other wise, if you ask me that is not our job. You would not want someone else pointing out your flaws, so why do you point out the flaws of others? If someone tried to attract you to a sport by telling you how un fit and un skilled you were, would you join? So why do we try to capture the hearts of others with hating words?

The Hair Theory

Humans, we are a strange being. Put a group together and they are beautiful. Take a single person out, and with the exception of a few they are believed to be not as beautiful the group. As a culture we have heard this before with the "cheerleader theory" being talked about on "How I Met Your Mother" and "Hall Pass". I am not in any way saying this is true, I am just saying that as human kind this is what we perceive now according to our media. It is almost like hair. Look at the hair on someone's head and it is beautiful and attractive. Take one hair out and put it remotely near your food and it's disgusting. It doesn't make sense. That single strand of hair is a part of the beautiful head of hair. Pick it up. Take a look at it. It is strong, it is colorful, it is amazing, it is beautiful. It is one of a kind, unique. Now I am not saying you have to pick up every hair you see. I am just saying look at every person the way you would look at that strand of hair. They are beautiful. They are strong. They are colorful. They are amazing. Pull someone away from the group and they are still just as, if not even more, beautiful than they were in the group.