Saturday, November 5, 2011

There May be Pain in the Night But Joy Comes in the Morning

Lately, I feel like I can not do anything right. Once I have accomplished something I turn around with another failure. One step forward and two steps back seems like my new motto. Every night I go to bed hoping that I'll sleep it off, and yet each morning when I wake up it seems like double the weight has been put on my heart.

So I've decided to try something new every night. Instead of just hoping that the weight will be lifted in the morning I have a different technique, and I am hoping you all will try it along with me. 

Every night before you go to sleep grab your bible, if you do not have one it is okay, it is not completely necessary all though if you can find one that would be great. Do your nightly routine and get yourself to bed, but this time bring your bible with you. Lay down in bed and open the bible to a random spot. Bow your head and begin to pray, or even just talk to God. Talk to him about all your problems. Talk to him about all of your frustrations. Talk to him about the weight you carry on your heart. Give it all to him. Then once you feel you have given it all to God, and only then, look down at your bible. Read the first verse you see and go from there. Read as much as you can handle. The first night it may only be a verse, but the father you get, who knows maybe you will have read through an entire book. Before you read though pray to God that it will speak to your heart. This is not 100% fireproof, some nights the words will not have anything to do with your problems, and some nights it will have everything to do with your problems. If it does that's awesome! If not, do not worry, that is not the only meaning to all of this. The meaning to all of this is that when you read allow yourself to keep your mind off of your problems so that you can allow your brain to marinate itself in the bible, completely surrounding it with the word. Once you grow tired shut the bible and lay it either next to or under your pillow, and rest. 

In the morning you will wake up, and you will no longer feel that weight holding you down, but joy. For there may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. 

Pizza Delivery Tip of the Day
When deciding late at night whether you should sleep or stay awake so you can do what you want (read a book, watch a movie, play a video game) go to sleep and instead wake up early. I know for some of you this sounds foreign and unlikely. Especially if you are like my good friend who would rather stay up till six in the morning watching movies than wake up at six in the morning. However, trust me when you do this you will feel so much more fulfilled. I can not explain it, but it is true. There is something about letting your eyes rest when they need to, and waking up fresh in the morning. 

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